BMT Design 2


Chicago, Illinois

BMT Design

1 Stories
18,000 GSF

Originally used as a commercial photography studio, the existing bowstring truss building offered a large, open and light-filled space for the playful and inventive build-out for preeminent toy designer, Big Monster Toys (BMT). Entered through a large translucent glass door, a galvanized steel clad “egg” shaped presentation room illustrates the key function of the company as an incubator of ideas. Inside the “egg”, a round conference room table anchors one end of the room where projects are demonstrated for clients. The glass-enclosed partner offices ring the perimeter of the open studio space, enlivened by an eclectic mix of elements and finishes, including a full size mock-up of a caboose that functions as a kitchenette, a suspended model train, stained concrete floors and custom workstations that are festooned with the designers’ inventions.

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